So, uh, no big deal but I think I’m finishing my book on Saturday…

Yep, the title says it all! I’m getting REALLY close to finishing the first draft!

I’ve been aiming for around 120-130K and I just hit 113,730 today. Plot-wise, I just finished the second-to-last major plot point before The Big Climactic Ending, which means I’m probably 4-5 chapters from The End (TBH, probably less???).

I also may have decided to cut out my Problem Character. But we shall see on that. I still feel like he’s a little bit necessary but I also need to see what he does in these last couple chapters before I decide if he’s worth keeping around. (Although… legitimately, while typing that, I just had a brain wave for a good way to keep him…)


Anyway, speaking logistically, I’ve had the lofty goal in the last 6 weeks or so to finish the first draft by August 25th. However, that’s a Friday (AKA a workday), and I’ve also had A Ton Of Sh*t going on in my personal life the last few weeks that’s made that goal feel unrealistic.

HOWEVER… After doing the math today I realized I’m much closer to The End than I thought I was. As in, a couple of solid marathons away from The End. As in, if I have solid writing days tomorrow and Friday, I could get close enough to…


One of my writing servers, the one that structures things as a team-based (friendly) competition, has its end-of-season deadline coming up at 6:00 PM ET on Saturday, August 26th. Which means, we all have until then to get our final word counts and milestones in before the admins tally up the final points. I’m within decent sight of two milestones, 125K words and “draftdun” (AKA, finishing your first draft). Knowing my competitive nature and how I thrive under pressure, that deadline is SO motivating to me right now.

I really do think it’s possible! TBH, if I had the day off tomorrow and could just marathon straight through, I bet I’d hit it then! But it will just depend on what my schedule looks like for the rest of the week. Then, I’m getting up early, heading to the coffee shop, and marathoning to my heart’s content until I either finish the draft or the clock strikes six.

Let’s do this.

Til next time,
(A very overexcited) Mags


Mile Marker #9: Some Crossed Fingers and a Whole Lotta Gratitude


Just 50 Books I F#&%ing Love