Mile Marker #20: Refueling & 75K!

Hoo boise has it been a wild few weeks. I’d like to say I knew this was coming, and I think a part of me did, but I didn’t realize how fast it would all go!

Four weeks left til my manuscript is due, and I officially broke the 75,000-word milestone today. Technically speaking I’m 15,000 words behind where I should be, but considering I was 26,000 words behind literally three days ago, I’m feeling pretty dang good about catching up.

My goal right now is to write 3,000 words a day until I feel caught up and/or finish the book. I need to be averaging about 2,500 a day to hit my deadline. The last three days have been excellent, with 3K, 3.4K, and 4.8K days under my belt. Just gotta keep up that momentum and Not! Get! Sick!

I’m officially moved into my new place, after some whirlwind last-minute apartment shenanigans, and I have an office with a door that closes and a bedroom with way too much space!

It’s lovely to have room to grow. I’m only a third of the way unpacked, and I think things will stay like that for a minute, at least until I’m through with this rewrite.

I leave for Florida on Tuesday, which is a blessing and a curse. I’m looking forward to some serious relaxation time, but I also need to be writing like crazy the whole week I’m there, and I’m a smidge nervous about being drawn out of my author cave with promises of Five Crowns and barbecue.

But I scared myself badly enough with these last couple weeks of delay that I’m hopeful I’ll stick to my writing schedule the whole holiday.

It helps, too, that I’ve planned for a long weekend in early December to wrap up the manuscript. I don’t know if I’ll be fully done by then (I’m planning on doing a marathon December 2nd to 4th), but I know the dedicated writing time will get me close. Depending on how busy this weekend ends up being, I’m hoping to get fully caught up on word count — which feels way more doable today now that I’m only 15,000 words off!

I feel good. I feel confident. I feel ready. I just need to stop staying up so late and focus on sleep and everything will be hunky-dory.

Now that I have my own place, I need to find a power position for my sword. I thought about hanging it up in the office so it would be visible on Zoom calls, but that feels like a little too much, even for me. Instead, I like the idea of being able to take it down off the wall and do a few power poses every once in a while when I need some extra oomph.

And for now, I’m going to treat myself to a little bit of that badassery before bed.


Til next time,
(A very tired) Mags


Mile Marker #21: All Right, Let’s Do This One Last Time…
