I woke up today and chose chaos, but more importantly, I chose violent optimism. Think lots of capital letters, constant mental Power Posing, and just an overall delight that I get to sleep in tomorrow.

This week’s been nuts, y’all, but mostly good things? I kicked off my writing class (un-cancelled at the last minute!) which went REALLY well. In my other class, we finished our final workshop of the year, which is bittersweet, but also means for the next six weeks I get to just show up and talk with everyone rather than having to prepare things ahead of class.

We’re technically three days into NaNoWriMo, and I haven’t written a word, but that’s okay! Today’s a very light day at work since my manager is largely out of the office, so I’m planning on doing a few mini-sprints throughout the day on my breaks. It’s time to get back in action!

I put in an apartment application last night, so I might be moving in, uh, a week. You know, because I don’t already have enough on my plate. But if I do get this apartment, I know it’ll be really good for me to have my own space again. Also, one benefit of not having a ton of room is that I didn’t fully unpack all of my stuff, so some of it just needs brought up from the basement. But that’s a bridge I’ll have to cross when I get to it.

In the meantime, today’s about the new job, getting my writing feet back under me, and building up my fortitude for the wild six weeks ahead. I have to finish the manuscript by December 12th, which is really more like December 11th since I’ll need to get the whole thing printed and in the mail by COB on the 12th. Woof!

My writing’s been stalled out the last couple weeks while I’ve been working on grad school apps (completely finished, by the way!) and getting ready for this new job. I’m still at 61,500 words when I should be a bit past 72,000 at this point. I need to hit 110,000 by the end of the month to stay fully on target, which means ~48,500 words. Since I’m aiming for 50K with my NotQuiteNaNo anyway, I think I’ll get there.


I’m not too worried. Maybe it’s because I actually got a good night’s sleep or something. I’ll check back in when I can—these next few weeks are going to be a lot!

Til next time,


Mile Marker #20: Refueling & 75K!


Mile Marker #18: Travel, Moving, and (Always) Money