Mile Marker #10: Woo! We’ve Formed A Habit!
In which: Maggie becomes the poster child for ADHD and also gnashes their teeth because they can’t marathon (yet!).
Well lookie here! There are 10 mile markers completed already, which stretch back an entire MONTH! I’m officially calling that a Habit™. I like that I’ve turned these blogs into something a little simpler — just these stream-of-consciousness "mile marker” mini updates, plus the occasional deeper dive into something else. This is working for me!
In terms of what’s NOT working for me… I’m trying to decide how to structure my workday today. The truth is that I have a bunch of client work I absolutely should not leave to next week, but all I want to do today is write. Yesterday ended up being a weirdly-productive-but-also-not-productive day. I was in my seat by 9:30 but got caught up in blog updates (thanks, hyperfixation). Then I had a doctor’s appointment from 11:15-12, knew I had that job interview at 1 so I decided to take the hour in between to decompress, and then the interview ran long AND I had to take care of Pig (and also, my niece was here!), and suddenly it was 2:45 and I was only just starting my workday.
I ended up working until about 7:30, but the only thing I was really able to get done was the time-sensitive hourly client work. So, what I should do today is knock out as much other client work as possible so that I’m not overloaded next week. But what I want to do today is write. BLEH!
I think I’ll be more productive if I get out of the house, but I also don’t want to spend any money today, so I’m thinking about packing up and heading to the library once I’m done with breakfast. I’ve got six regular blogs and two transcript blogs (technically three, although I’m missing the materials for the last one and I haven’t heard from my client in weeks) standing between me and sweet, sweet freedom. I’m going to try to make a big dent in those because I would love to be able to get some proper chill time next week, provided I FINISH MY BOOK DRAFT THIS WEEKEND. (-unintelligible shrieking-)
Maybe I’ll make myself a deal — I’ll go balls-to-the-wall on client work until 2pm, which gives me four hours to get through the smaller regular blogs. That’s doable, I think! Then I’ll relocate again (either library to home or library to a coffee shop or library to another library) and spend the rest of the day writing.
That’s a plan!
Til next time,