Mile Marker #22: All Right… Let’s… Do This One… Last… Time… (For Real? I Hope?)

So, despite writing 40,000 words last weekend I didn’t finish the book. I’m still about 6-7 chapters from the end of Act 3 (which is now Act 4 because I’ve added so much to this manuscript oops). I’ve got plans tomorrow so I’m REALLY hoping I can clear it all today, because otherwise I don’t know when I’m going to be able to work on this.

Hilariously, I’ve been “about 6-7 chapters from the end” the entire week, despite writing/editing 15,000 words since Monday. Some of that is finally bringing in the journal entries I’ve had saved from the first draft that are direct copy-pastes into the new manuscript, but good lord can I go on and on and on…

My main problem is that I’m trying to average my chapters around 2,000-2,500 words. So, each time I hit that because I’m rambling/adding things, I have to break it into two chapters. So although I’ve FINISHED chapter 1 of 6, I end up with 6 more chapters to go.

And so on and so forth.

But this time, I’m looking at seven more chapters plotted out in Scrivener with the folders and text files already ready to go. I also know I’m REALLY happy with large chunks of the actual ending, so I’m hoping this will go fast. Naturally, I’m not getting started until 2pm because sleep is my best friend.

So, here goes. I’ve got coffee and a breakfast sandwich on the way, I’ve taken my meds, I walked Pig, and I’m getting started.

We can do this.

Today’s the day, dammit.

Til next time,


The Beast is Slain!!!


Mile Marker #21: All Right, Let’s Do This One Last Time…