Life Update Part [Whatever 3 is in German]: Jumping In To The Artist’s Way

In which: Maggie introduces a ragtag band of wayward creatives, joining forces to take on Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way!

Hello, hello, dear reader! Though it has been many moons since we last spoke (or actually, just one), there has been much afoot in the land of Maggiedom.

Okay, I’m stopping with whatever that voice is. Let’s talk shop.

I’m a month into the waiting period between paying my tuition and starting the Year Long Writing Project (eek!), which officially kicks off at the end of January. With the holidays in full swing — Christmas is literally this weekend, which should be illegal — I haven’t had time for much beyond existential crisis and frantic chipping away at holiday deadlines. And of course, procrastination. Because who would I be if I didn’t procrastinate?

Among my winter tasks has been facilitating a twelve-week group to work through Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, a self-paced creativity-unlocking journey for burned out Millennials and blocked creatives of all ages. I’ll be leading a group of approximately twelve people (huh, twelve people and twelve weeks, neat) through the program while working on it myself as well.

I did The Artist’s Way at some point last year (I think?) and I got to either Week 8 or Week 9 before I got overwhelmed and dropped off. But now that I’ll be running the group properly, I’m excited to get into it and properly complete all twelve weeks! Properly! At the same time, I’m looking for a part-time job, so I may have to throw off my own scheduling at some point, but we’ll make it happen.

Oh yeah — I sorta kinda maybe definitely accidentally quit my job last week. Or at least, I gave notice to my biggest client, which means I’m losing approximately 86% of my income, and need to replace at least SOME of it in order to pay rent and, y’know, eat food. But! It’s officially time to make that happen and officially time to make the jump, as I’ve been talking about doing this for literally a year straight. Time to put my money where my mouth is. Or, I guess, put my mouth where my money should be? That’s gross.

Point is, I’m taking steps to make 2023 The Most Creative Year Ever, at least on my own behalf, and this TAW group is just one of the many ways I’m making that happen.

We had our kickoff party / introductory call tonight and it was lovely. Five of the twelve were able to make it in the pre-holiday wildness that has taken over all of our souls (dramatic, Maggie). The rest we’ll hopefully meet on January 2nd when we officially start the program together.

I’m really excited! It’s good timing to be doing that alongside YLWP. I’ll be officially done with my big client at the end of January, which means my schedule will DRASTICALLY open up. Then, between YLWP and TAW I’ll be rocking out with my creativity… out? You know what I mean.

I’m so excited to take on this journey even though the financial side of it is complicated and scary. But since when have I let that stop me? This year is going to come with its trials and tribulations like any other year, but I know I can take them on and I know that I can do myself proud.

This is it, people! We’re getting into the swing of things!

Til next time,


Once more unto the breach…


Life Update Part Deux: I’m (Still!) in Maryland