Update #1: Let The Highway MFA… Commence!


Yes, I misspelled “commence” in the title on my first try, and no, I’m not embarrassed about it.

I meant to post this little update-slash-celebration on April 1st, but I completely forgot work got really busy and I had to put out some fires for my clients.

As I’ve mentioned, I started the reading-and-writing for this project about a week early, partially because I was excited and partially because I somehow need to read 16 books in 27 days. (But I got this!)

The OFFICIAL start of The Highway MFA is (was) April 1st, 2021.

Which means, I am well underway into my successful six-month project!

Here’s what I’ve done so far…

Highway MFA Packet #0

Creative Word Count: 7,312 —> Hot damn, Maggie, look at you go!

Critical Pieces:

Successes: Getting myself HYPE about a new project, jumping in with both feet, getting into a good rhythm with daily writing and daily morning journaling.

Failures: Timing the start of this project with medication changes, including my second COVID shot, and losing a lot of steam right when I really needed “extra steam.” Whoops.

Highway MFA Packet #1

Creative Word Count: 890 (since April 1st)

Critical Pieces:

Successes: Endless over-strategizing, incredibly savvy Amazon skills (all of my books arrived by April 1st as planned), not letting myself get so head-over-heels excited that I stopped the project completely, navigating personal (neighborly) drama while also gettin’ sh*t done.

Failures: Too soon to tell, really, but I’ve only managed one “complete” day of writing since Thursday. I blame my 2nd COVID vaccine knocking me on my butt, but that’s neither here nor there. More to follow!

Please let this informal little post serve as my first (and also very informal) “personal letter.” For a full list of the books included in my first MFA “packet,” view the April Resources. I’ve also started an Annotated Bibliography that I’ll keep updated as I go.

Thanks for coming along for the ride!

And as the title says, let The Highway MFA officially… COMMENCE!!

(Got it right that time — thanks, Spellcheck!)

Til next time,


I’ll Give You The Sun: Writing with Music


Fingersmith: 300 Pages of Plot in 600 Pages of Print