CONFESSION: April 2021 Adjustments


I bit off more than I can chew, but what else is new? Here are a few small switcheroos I’m making to guarantee I hit my quotas this month.

So, I lost 6 days of April for this last-minute Montana trip and I’m losing another 3 days this weekend because my awesome mom and dad are coming to see me for the first time since October (yay!).

Somehow, I’m meant to read a few thousand pages AND write blogs on 7 books AND knock out another 5K words in just over 7 days.

Quite frankly, that ain’t happening.

So! In the interest of keeping my creative writing quota at the topmost of my goals, I’m making a couple small changes.

I’m moving A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Sound and the Fury, and The Thin Line of Beauty to future months in the project (I already bought ‘em, so they’ll pop back up, I promise!).

This means I still need to knock out A Little Life, One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Creative Life, and The Elements of Style in the next week — still crazy, but way more doable considering I’m about a quarter of the way through each of them.

I think it’s kind of hilarious but not all that unexpected that I’m having to make major adjustments in the first month of the project — but I’d way rather adjust my reading lists than make excuses for not hitting my actual writing quota.

On to victory!

And a hell of a lot of reading this week!



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